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My First Pickleball Encounter: A Story That Spanned a Decade

Eleven years ago, I attended a Fourth of July party at a friend's house in Edmonds, Washington. It was an afternoon filled with great food, hearty laughter, and a unique game I had never played before - pickleball. That day marked my first encounter with this dynamic sport, a day that left an indelible impression and would shape a significant part of my life.

My wife was eight months pregnant with our first child at the time, and we had no idea we were about to embark on two incredible journeys - parenthood and pickleball. Our friends had a pickleball court in their backyard, and the game was the centerpiece of the day's celebrations.

Pickleball By The Bay
Am I Doing This Right?

Even as a novice, I found myself paired with a slightly more experienced partner for a doubles tournament. I vividly recall the competitive spirit that filled the air, the camaraderie among the players, and the pure joy of playing a sport that was both engaging and enjoyable. Despite being newcomers to the game, we played our hearts out and made it all the way to the final. We were the dark horses, the surprise package, the underdogs who dared to dream.

Pickleball "The Big Pickle" Trophy
The Big Pickle

Our dream run ended in the final, where we were defeated by the hosts. Yet, the taste of that runner-up finish was far from bitter; it was invigorating and addictive. I was hooked to pickleball. But life, as it often does, had other plans. The arrival of our first child shifted our priorities and my newfound passion for pickleball had to take a backseat.

It would be over nine years before I picked up a pickleball paddle again. This time, it was during the pandemic, and our family had rented a house in San Diego - lo and behold, it had a pickleball court! This chance encounter with pickleball rekindled the spark that I first felt at that Fourth of July party.

By now, our family had grown. We were blessed with three kids, and they shared our enthusiasm for this exciting game. The time spent on that San Diego pickleball court brought us countless hours of joy, laughter, and precious family bonding during a time of uncertainty.

Backyard Pickleball - The Pandemic Version
Pandemic Pickleball

And thus, an idea was born - why not build our own pickleball court? Today, as I look back, I marvel at how a random introduction to pickleball at a party a decade ago has now become an integral part of our lives.

In pickleball, as in life, it's never about how you start; it's about the journey and where it leads you. From that Fourth of July party in Edmonds to our very own pickleball court, our journey has been incredible. And guess what? We are just getting started!

Yours in Pickleball,

Backyard Pickleball

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